October 8-9th, 2024, NEF, Mont-Gros

What is the Virtual Observatory?

It is a suite of tools to easily access images, catalogues, spectra, etc from observatories and data centers. Very often the Web pages, graphical tools, and python packages we are using every day rely on Virtual Observatory tools in the background.

The school will mainly consist in hands-on sessions. The goal is to teach how to benefit from the available tools in the Virtual Observatory. How to save time and efforts in our daily research. It will be based on practical examples, taken from research projects.

Maybe your already know Aladin, or TOPCAT, or are regular users of the CDS? of NASA databases? Yes? No? .... This school is for you 🙂


Day 1 - Tuesday, October the 8th

  • 9h30 - Welcome
  • 10h00-10h30 - Introduction: Salvage the data!
  • 10h30-11h00 - Seminar: Examples of research with VO
  • 11h00-12h00 - 1. Exploring the sky with Aladin
  • Lunch
  • 13h00-13h30 - 1. Exploring the sky with Aladin 
  • 13h30-15h00 - 2. Handling catalogs and archives with TOPCAT
  • Coffee break - Discussions
  • 15h30-16h30 - 3. Solar System specifics
  • 16h30-17h30 - 4. Tools for handling photometry from multiple sources

Day 2 - Wednesday, October the 9th

  • 9h30 - Welcome
  • 10h00-11h15 - 5. Tutorials on CDS
  • 11h15-12h00 - 6. Talking to CDS with Jupyter
  • Lunch
  • 13h30-15h00 - 7. Fitting SEDs made easy: VOSA
  • Coffee break - Discussions
  • 15h30-16h15 - 8. Multi-messengers Astronomy
  • 16h15-17h00 - 9. Characterization of Transients
  • Cloturing session: Feedback and Discussions


All the material (tutorials, associated files, etc) are available here: https://github.com/bcarry/VO-School-OCA-2024

Download everything on your computer:

  • by cloning the repository (recommended option)
  • by downloading the whole repository (green "<> Code" button -> Download ZIP)

Additional material (tutorials) here : https://zenodo.org/communities/svo-tutorials/records?q=&l=list&p=1&s=10&sort=newest

 Required Softwares


  • Ada Nebot, CDS, Strasbourg
  • Enrique Solano, SVO/CAB, Madrid
  • Jérôme Berthier, IMCCE, Paris
  • Benoit Carry, Lagrange, Nice