
This service aims at supporting the french groups for the scientific exploitation of the CHARA Array (USA). This interferometric optical array, located at the Mount Wilson observatory (California), is equipped with 6 1-m telescopes on baselines from 30 to 330m. It is equipped with the recent SPICA instrument and offers also the use of the MIRCx and MYSTIC instruments for infrared imaging in H and K (University of MIchigan and Exeter). The access to CHARA (Northern hemisphere) and to the visible domain through SPICA is a unique opportunity for the french community, in complement of the access to the VLTI.


Data policy

  • All raw data are stored in Atlanta Data Centre.
  • All metadata are immediatly accessible on the OiDB database.
  • An automatic pipeline generates the calibrated data and send them to OiDB for immediate access for the community. A proprietary period of 18 months is asked by CHARA with specific conditions for PhD and large programs.

OCA role

This SNO offers the following services :

  1. Support for the preparation of proposals and observations. Formation
  2. Management of the service observing and formation
  3. Management and support for the data processing and the data analysis. Formation.
  4. Technical maintenance, evolutions

The Team in Nice has developped many tools supporting these actions. They are accessible on request.

This service is done in collaboration with Observatoire de Grenoble

Persons in Nice

Denis Mourard, Frédéric Morand, Philippe Berio

Needsand perspectives

The service observing is growing a lot with about 100n per year in 2024 and it is expected to reach a level of 200/250n per year in 2026. This requires a large formation of the scientits interested by the CHARA array but also the organisation of service observing. 

Moreover the retirement of the PI in 2026 will require some hiring for the management of the SPICA instrument in relation with the CHARA team.