The use of OCA library resources and services is subject to prior registration.
Registration allows :
- to freely access to reading and archiving spaces (excluding reserves);
- to borrow and return materials from any OCA library;
- to access electronic resources;
- to request at any time the supply of documents (purchase of a book, article, ILL) which cost is borne by the library (after prior agreement and within the limit of the allocated budget);
- to access specific services (research assistance, alerts; training; visits, etc.).


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Loan policy

Library borrower is responsible for library materials checked out under his/her name, and for returning items in due time. If an item is damaged or lost, borrower must replace or reimburse it at the actual cost

The borrowing and renewing rights 


Categories On-site consultation 
Borrowing rights (1) Renewing rights
A. OCA readers Permanent members and assimilated members *
(Permanent employees, Doctoral students, Postdoctoral fellows, Researchers , Teachers-Researchers)
Yes, free access
20 items for 90 days 3 times
B.  OCA readers Temporary members *
(Temporary employees, Trainees, Visitors , Volonteers and other temporary members)
Yes, free access
20 items for 35 days 3 times

 (1) The non-circulating materials : journals, reference books, internal documents and historic collections do not circulate


Authorization access to electronic resources : limitations

Access to the library's licensed electronic resources, such as databases, electronic journals and electronic books is restricted to OCA staff. The authorization is strictly personal and may not, under any circumstances, be transferred to a third party. Authorized user may only use the online access in a way that conforms with all applicable laws and regulations. Authorized users may only download and print articles to personal use. The authorization shall be cancelled when the professional activity justifying such comes to an end.

About this library registration form


The above information will be used by the library for administering your loans. According to the French law "Informatique et Liberté" of January 6, 1978, modified on August 6, 2004, the library database is declared at the National data processing and Liberties Commission. Any member of OCA has, on line, the right of access and correction on the data relating to it : contact the library manager


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admit having taken knowledge of the loan policies and the conditions of use for licensed electronic resources.
I agree to respect the terms

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You will receive a copy of this form by email. On receipt, thank you for printing and sending us a signed version by internal mail 

After registration, you will receive a login and password to connect to your reader's account

You will receive a copy of this form by email. On receipt, thank you for printing and sending us a SIGNED VERSION by internal mail .

After registration, you will receive a login and password to connect to your reader's account

6 + 5 - 4 = ?

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