The libraries of the Côte d'Azur Observatory (OCA) are accessible by appointment for the members of the Côte d'Azur University (UCA).

Prior registration, separate from the libraries of the Côte d'Azur University, is necessary and obligatory in order to be able to borrow documents from one of our 3 libraries. Registration is free and valid for 1 year.


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Loan policy

Library borrower is responsible for library materials checked out under his/her name, and for returning items in due time. If an item is damaged or lost, borrower must replace of reimburse it at the actual cost.

The borrowing and renewing rights :

Categories On-site consultation 
Borrowing rights (1) Renewing rights
C. UCA readers UCA members (all) *
Yes by appointment 3 items for 35 days (prior registration required and validated in one of the OCA libraries) + 7 days
* Specific note for readers with motor disabilities Access available only in 2 OCA libraries
(Nice Valrose + Sophia-Antipolis)

 (1) The non-circulating materials : journals, reference books, internal documents and historic collections do not circulate

Terms of borrowing :

After reading, the documents must be brought back to one of the 3 libraries of the Côte d'Azur Observatory

About this library registration form

The above information will be used by the library for administering your loans. According to the French law "Informatique et Liberté" of January 6, 1978, modified on August 6, 2004, the library database is declared at the National data processing and Liberties Commission. Any member of OCA has, on line, the right of access and correction on the data relating to it : contact the library manager


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admit having taken knowledge of the loan policies. I agree to respect the terms.

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Please click on "submit" to confirm your registration

You will receive a copy of this form. Upon receipt, please print it and bring us a SIGNED VERSION accompanied by an ID PHOTO.

After registration, you will receive a login and password to connect to your reader's account.

4 - 7 + 5 = ?

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